Schadenfreude is a beautiful word

I've mentioned at least once before on this site that MySpace, in my considered opinion, is little more than a massive clusterfuck of window licking illiterates attempting to pat each others' backs while getting their own backs thoroughly scratched. Well, this article takes me some way towards a feeling of satisfaction, to know that MySpace's jabbering masses were so comprehensively fucked over. The only downer to the story is that the mouthbreathers still haven't figured out how it happened, and, seemingly, neither have their enablers.

Good old News Corp, displaying Goatse for the edification of millions. Gives one a warm feeling inside. The fact that MyEgo is the fourth most visited website on the internet at the moment is of no redeeming consequence. McDonalds is the biggest 'restaurant' chain on the planet, it doesn't mean I'd serve up their mulch at a dinner party. I've held the opinion for along time now that the term 'wisdom of the masses' is inherently flawed, and MySpace is a spectacular vindication of this fact.

Caveat: While some credible people have MySpace 'sites', this doesn't mean th pages are worth looking at. I like the music of Mitch Benn and Sydney Band Dolphin Juice, but that doesn't mean their MySpace pages are even partially viewable. Enough, OK?

posted @ Friday, January 5, 2007 11:31 PM

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