I don't want to know about Paris fucking Hilton

Dear SMH, News Ltd, and other Australian 'news outlets'

Can anyone explain to me, please, why every time I go to your websites looking for news, I'm confronted with no-value famewhore spoilt party slut and general waste of oxygen Paris Hilton? What, exactly, has she EVER done that's newsworthy? Anyone? Can anyone answer me?

Now, here's what I want. I want your websites to have a little checkbox at the top, which I can click, and which will allow me to immediately and easily filter out ANY mention of rich blondeĀ attention whores and their oh-so-piss-boring lives. If I wanted that shit I'd be buying New Idea

Get the picture?

this punch in the throat was brought to you by The HiltonĀ® Hotel GroupTM

posted @ Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:04 AM

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