I'm joining the ranks of mad dieters

Yes, I'm totally over procrastinating, and with my usual sensible, measured response to everything I'm starting a crash diet. It's not something I've found online, been advised about or had pushed through the door on a leaflet. It's a slightly mad idea of my own choosing. For the next few weeks, my weekdays will be dominated by fruit-juice, water and Miso Soup, and my weekends will consist of pretty much normal eating. To this end, I've stockpiled instant Miso and juice and I'm attempting to steel myself for the coming famine.

I'll adjust the parameters if necessary, but the theme is detox + diet. I will be allowing myself a couple of beers midweek, as Wednesday Trivia may not be bearable without, but they'll be low-carb at worst or light beer at best. Although I may need some iron by then (mmm... Guinness...). Anyway, beer is almost vegetable juice, right?

So if I start to go insane with hunger, and my blog posts become even more mental than normal, you'll know why.

posted @ Monday, January 15, 2007 12:16 PM

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