The Bouldering Report 21 Feb 2007

So we went to Lindfield again. After a bit of a warm-up and an abortive crack at Blank Wall, we had a bit more of a go on the V5 pocket problem left of the Layback Flake (Corals Area). And yes, both myself and Viv have badly tweaked tendons on it.

In particular, my left arm now feels like I've got rusty, frayed brake cables running from my ring finger right up to the muscle attachment. There's a very bad pain point right in the palm area, and I'm Nurofen®'d up to the gills right now trying to go about my normal day.

This problem is out to get us. On Monday it tried to bite my ankle clean off. I got caught behind the flake in a fall, and landed flat on my back on the mat with my foot still wedged.

The worst part of this whole affair is that I felt pretty close to latching the good hold after the crux, which would have sealed the deal. Oh well.

No climbing for a couple of weeks now, so you don't get to be bored shitless by climbing reports. Instead I'm attending St Jerome's Laneway in Melbourne, hanging out there for a couple of days afterwards, visiting Trent's Cafe then heading back here and hopefully processing the information gained into version 1.0 of Whoopee!

And in other news, second at Southern Cross trivia last night (well, I needed anaesthetic) gaining ourselves $30 worth of free feed, a sixer of Redback and various bits of pub-promo tat. Good ol' Stef.

posted @ Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:25 AM

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