The Monday Report, Incorporating Monday Musical Madness

We're going to Splendour In The Grass. Tickets have been acquired via a thoroughly frustrating virtual queue on the splendour/oztix website. Playing this year, among others: Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party and The Kaiser Chiefs. Hopefully it won't piss down and hopefully we'll get a nice hotel in Byron, rather than facing the drive back to Ballina every night.

This weekend? Well, Saturday was bouldering day at The Balkans, where I got the redpoint of Berlin Blockade, V5, and a number of other nice little problems. Fat boys can climb V5. This was followed by Architecture in Helsinki live at the Metro, though the sound was disappointing, and the all-ages format was thoroughly annoying (pissed 15 year olds? no thanks)

Sunday followed, and as it was Mothers Day, the drive out to Barrenjoey was a Frank Zappa-only affair. I propose this becoming the new format for Mothers Day every year.

 Technically, to be Mothers Day, you'd have to stick only to the albums credited as "The Mothers" or "The Mothers Of Invention", but hey, what are you gonna do? Just pick anything by Zappa.

So at Barrenjoey, we fitted in a couple of very damp but half-decent routes, then I hammered back to town in Caffeinated Mode (unleaded not LPG) with "just another band from LA" on the stereo and headed out to Asakusa in Newtown for a Japanese feast. A nice weekend all told.

posted @ Monday, May 14, 2007 12:53 PM

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