OK. The gloves are REALLY off now

As I've mentioned before, I'm currently doing Dry July, in support of the Prince Of Wales Hospital's Cancer Unit. I'm doing this as part of the Vinocast team, along with m'colleague Dave The Happy Singer.

A small battle has, of course, ensued.

First, a recap. I am abstaining from alcohol, aside from Golden Tickets, of which more anon, for the month of July, the upshot of which is meant to be that people give money to my nominated cancer charity.

This is a biggie. Read the title at the top of the blog. I really quite like a drink now and again.

So I was going OK in numbers terms, anyway. Until Dave The Happy Singer MADE MY EYES BLEED.

And now I'm lagging behind in the numbers. What can I do? How can I up the ante, exactly?

OK. I've got an idea, motherfuckers.

How about this...

I need to take a run-up for this one.

How about I....


 Yes, dear readers, I am willing to operate under these terms for the period of ONE YEAR, *subject to the same rules as Dry July. If I want to drink, someone has to give at least $25 to a secular charity or community non-profit.


Seriously. Each month, I'll nominate a charity of my choice(nominated, I hope, by you, the audience), until after 11 months, I will come full circle and do a second Dry July in 2012, again for the Prince of Wales Hospital.

For each In Vino Veritas recording,at least $25 will go to charity. For every birthday party I go to and sip a beer, at least $25 will go to charity. For each Drinking Skeptically at which I imbibe a glass of red, at least $25 will go to charity.

The only proviso is that I expect you, my social circle, to carry your weight. I expect you to give money whenever you have some spare cash. I expect you to STUMP THE FUCK UP and give money, I really do. And if you can't give money, I want you to give some time. Seriously, I'm putting myself WAAAY out there on this one. I'll establish a website for the effort, and attempt to keep everyone posted on my progress, and my twitter stream will document the whole thing.

So the first Charity, obviously, for July 2011 is DRY JULY. GIVE SOME MONEY. NOW.

posted @ Tuesday, July 19, 2011 6:22 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: OK. The gloves are REALLY off now

Left by Bowser The Cat at 7/19/2011 9:52 PM
lol... As someone who hasn't had a drink in 16 days, 11 months and 25 years I find it all quite amusing.

# re: OK. The gloves are REALLY off now

Left by Frozen Summers at 7/20/2011 8:28 AM
I'll be sure to donate next month, once I'm actually earning money again.

# re: OK. The gloves are REALLY off now

Left by Jason at 7/20/2011 4:21 PM

It may be amusing to you, but it's life and death to me.

Well, OK, not quite, but given that my entire IRL social life tends to take place in pubs and bars, and given that I appear on a podcast whose somewhat flimsy raison d'etre is wine and skepticism, and given that I organise Sydney Drinking Skeptically, this is going to be tricky.

It should be interesting though. I'm much more productive when I haven't had a couple of beers to unwind.
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