Meryl Dorey has stepped down from the anti-vaccination network

Several reports are available. Australian Doctor reports here.

The delicious thing? She's being succeeded by innumerate dingbat and staunch, but failed, antivaxer Greg Beattie. That might put Meryl's constant claims to be "not anti-vaccine" into perspective.

Meryl claims to have stepped down to work on "two special projects". One is rumoured to be codenamed "project shred all the fucking documents", the other, presumably, is dodging Fair Trading's name change directive.

Speculation is, of course, rife. And fun. Stay tuned.

posted @ Friday, January 11, 2013 11:01 AM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Meryl Dorey has stepped down from the anti-vaccination network

Left by Andrew at 1/11/2013 1:19 PM
Thought you might like to know, I was trying to learn more about Greg Beattie and you come up in the first page of google results.

This post

# re: Meryl Dorey has stepped down from the anti-vaccination network

Left by jason at 1/11/2013 3:46 PM
Cheers Andrew - there's a followup to that post too, linked from it.
Comments have been closed on this topic.
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