January 2010 Blog Posts

Mike's $10,000 is quite safe

As ever, in the cause of promoting skeptical thought and critical thinking while on the internet, I've been out there on the tubes causing trouble. The campaign to put Dr Rachael Dunlop into the lead of the Shorty Awards Health category has been very successful. Very successful indeed. Of course, during the making of this very successful campaign, it's become clear that not only is Mike Adams a quack, but he's also a mass-email marketer and colluder with big business, a supporter of Scientology and their front-group CCHR, and a general butthurt whining hypocrite. He's also the originator of a $10,000 "challenge"...

Help fight pseudo-scientific medical quackery on twitter

If you have a twitter account, you've probably seen the occasional tweet flow past mentioning the Shorty Awards in the last few days. The Shorties are an independent award for the best short-form content in a number of categories, awarded annually in March. As you might expect from our friend the internet, alt-med woo-woo, anti-vaccination nutbaggery and pseudoscience are rife, and alt-med quacks are polling high in the #health category. This is not a good thing Luckily, skeptics to the rescue. Doctor Rachael Dunlop, heart disease researcher, blogger, podcaster and science-based medicine campaigner, is now the subject of a campaign to take back...

NOT Vashti Bunyan

Continuing my unhealthy obsession with the work of Half Man Half Biscuit, I give you "Totnes Bickering Fair" from the 2008 album "CSI: Ambleside", a tale of divorce, new-age and non-organics. Chords and lyrics included for HMHB fans with similar pathological obsession. Video and stuff below the fold

Vaccination Saves Lives: Stop The Australian Vaccination Network
Say NO to the National School Chaplaincy Program