October 2012 Blog Posts

Lily Phénomène has comment regret

A while ago, I posted this little note about chiropractic, and one of its heroic defenders. Lily, apparently, doesn't like that I posted it. She sent me a Facebook message. Well, Lily, since you blocked my Facebook account I can't reply to you privately, so I'll have to put the answer here instead. No. What you posted is a matter of public record. It's on a publically-accessible Facebook page. It's a fact that you said it, and I don't much care that you now have comment regret. You know what the solution is for the problem of people reporting the stupid things you say on the internet?...

How to fail at Astroturfing

My attention was drawn today to a website called "Helmets On Heads". This website purports, under the domain helmetsonheads.org, to be a promotional campaign to raise safety and tries to look independent but industry supported. It's actually wholly owned by the industry. This should be a warnign flag to treat claims with caution - there's a monetary incentive to overstate the case, so a little extra scrutiny is justified. Their FACTS page makes a rather odd set of claims, which you'll probably spot if you're schooled in spotting hokey numbers. Now, I do like a good hokey number, so I thought I'd...

Vaccination Saves Lives: Stop The Australian Vaccination Network
Say NO to the National School Chaplaincy Program