Kevin Rudd loses mind, courts theocracy

Kevin Rudd is calling for Christian Organisations to take a bigger role in national politics. Yeah sure. Good idea. Because we really want Intelligent Design taught in schools and the Ten Commandments posted in public buildings. What, I ask you, is wrong with the separation of Church and State? If Christians were politically inactive, I wouldn't say so much, but the Jesus Bloc seems to already have its mitts well and truly on the political chalice, not to mention some recent political dirty tricks in New Zealand by nutcase hardcore christian group The Exclusive Brethren, who are incidentally based in Australia. And Rudd wants to invite christians deeper in? I never was impressed with the man, but this really pushes the envelope. Has he not seen the state of American politics recently?

My personal views on religion aside, this is not what the Labor Party should be embracing by any means - leave the cheap “christian values” campaigning to the Liberals. Or is this a calculated ploy to try and pull the votes of the often right-wing Christian community towards Labor and away from the Liberals in preparation for a possible leadership push? Either way, the landscape, as ever, is looking worrisome for non-christians, be they dedicated secularists like myself or religious people of other faiths.

If you'd like to get in touch with Kevin Rudd and let him know that this is a bad move, his contact details can be found right here

posted @ Monday, October 2, 2006 3:36 PM

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