Lord Jesus, Please heed my HTTP request...

... and shower down your blessings in Content-Type: text/html.

So it seems an organisation with its roots still firmly trapped in the Bronze Age is gittin' jiggy wid “new media” and “blogging” and “online communities” in order to avoid “becoming an anachronism.”. Newsflash, jeezuz freakz0rs! Your entire philosophy is thousands of years out of date, and a thin veneer of silicon is not going to help in the long run. Anyway, you're not the first.

Seriously, though, the Anglicans may see some gains by embracing technology, but as with all religious endeavours, they're ultimately beating an empty drum. My hope is that by embracing teh interwebs the church will expose more of its members to actual information. They're not going to be creating a walled garden, and unless they actively discourage people already in the cult* from looking at non-christian (i.e. factual) information, they're probably going to lose members in the long run. Or so it is to be hoped.

* The difference between religion and cult appears to be little more than a matter of size. I personally think that's bunk - they're all a bunch of cults.

posted @ Wednesday, October 18, 2006 4:53 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Lord Jesus, Please heed my HTTP request...

Left by someone from melbourne at 3/20/2007 4:47 PM
since i know your such a nazi about these things just thought I'd let you know there's a typo on this page

# re: Lord Jesus, Please heed my HTTP request...

Left by Jason at 3/21/2007 11:03 AM
I assume that's The Trent speaking? One typo amended, some other deliberate mis-spellings left in ;-)
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