Don't ask. Really, don't ask

So I'm surfing the web for source images and I stumble upon this site, and find this image:

To the author of the site this is the hands of god. The me, this is

I haven't done the background research yet, having just shot beer out of my nose on seeing the image on a serious (if slightly insane) religio-zealot's website, but I'd be willing to lay odds that this is a Fark photoshop entry or possibly a SomethingAwful forum item.

My nose hurts.

Update: this, trivially enough, is what I was after:

"Moses, dude. Get it fucking right, OK?
You're looking for a land of MILF and HONEYS.
I don't want you fucking up and stranding my
chosen people in a fucking desert somewhere."

Yeah, fuck you, I'm going to hell. Sure. Whatever you say.

Update #2: The ever-canonical Snopes has a partial lowdown on the Godse shot

Not really into...

Phrase of the day

"Pigeon Rights Activists"

Is this really how far our species has come? We might as well give up now.

Vaccination Saves Lives: Stop The Australian Vaccination Network
Say NO to the National School Chaplaincy Program