
Yes, it's true, the dreadlocks are gone. In an alcoholic boxing day session, the scissors came out and the hair came off. Viv Richards documented the experience for me, and the results are here. I now have this short 'do and will, if all goes to plan, be bleaching and dyeing it a crazy colour in preparation for the Peats Ridge Festival, where we shall be spending New Years Eve in the company of a few thousand hippies.

In other news, my house is trying to kill me, this time sending me crashing to the floor, whereupon I smashed the dogs' food bowl into smithereens, and covering the place in a not inconsiderable amount of blood and gore. It cleaned up reasonably well.

And lastly, Esther and I have reached our one year anniversary today. A whole year, a big year. We bought a house, went to Japan together, did a load of festivals and gigs, walked the dogs a bit, ate a lot of sushi and generally had a blast. Here's to more!

posted @ Wednesday, December 27, 2006 1:48 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Gone!

Left by Mum at 12/31/2006 7:57 AM
You do look better with less hair. Looked as if you all enjoyed yourselves
Mum and Dad
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