Jellyfish out to get us now

Humanity is increasingly besieged. Stingrays, Sharks, Octopodes* and now Jellyfish are all making a play for your sweet sweet humanflesh. Twice as many people were stung by jellyfish in 2006 as in the previous year. It's all part of a growing trend among things which live in water, who are increasingly trying to kill us in new and horrifying ways.

For more information on venomous marine creatures, see Marine Medic, paying particular attention to the excellent clinical descriptions of Chironex envenomation, and stay out of the water, you fools!

And in other news, the Steve Irwin Deathumentary is screening here in Aus on Monday. I'll be watching, from a location well above sea-level, with a few beers.

* voted most likely contender for "plural of octopus"

posted @ Monday, January 22, 2007 3:07 PM

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