Breaking the drought

No, I'm not talking about Morris Iemma's water plan, it's just that it's been a while since my last blog entry, so I figured I'd drop in a quick update on what's been going on.

I've got back to climbing full-bore after an ankle injury and a separate tendon injury gained in December, with a trip to The Balkans (specifically The Frontline) this weekend heralding a return to V4+ bouldering territory, knocking off MIssile Silo, soft V4 (again) and Snakebite, V4 along with a whole swathe of V3s and V2s and a good crank on Berlin Blockade V5, which was too hot and greasy by the time I figured out a sequence. I also knocked off Small Blank Wall V4 at Lindfield second go yesterday, as well as a V4 traverse and a few other problems.

Prior to that, some low-grade (18ish) stuff has gone down at Bardens Lookout and Barrenjoey, among other places.

Training has also ramped up. A tiny about of multigym work and some pull up bar on sunday, bouldering yesterday, rode my bike 18.3kms to work today, averaging over 16kph on the way in (don't know how well I'll go on the way back...), and tonight is a climbing gym session. Strength is on the way!

The coming weekend sees a trip planned to Nowra, my first, which should see some serious action happening, though Viv is feeling a little tweaked in the arms, apparently. I'm off now to do some research into what we're going to get up to.

Oh, and to continue with this blog's emergent meme: Keep out of the pool.

posted @ Tuesday, February 6, 2007 1:17 PM

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