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Can we please work on getting this even higher? I mean, fuck! Am I only worth an NC-17?

Update for this week... well last week I was in a training course at Clifton's in the city, and was kept pretty busy by Trent's return to Sydney and Pierre's bucks night (at BBQ King and Men's Gallery). Tristan managed to convince me that Facebook was the way to go, after some stern resistance, and I've become rather attached to the social networking idea. You can find my profile with a quick search for 'Jason Brown', and I'm on the Australia and Microsoft networks. Already I've managed to find a few mates who were MIA, and I've got a few newbies onto the site too. Facebook, you owe me!

I missed Monday Musical Madness last week, so some catching up is to be done. Two Jazz Gigs last week, including the Alcohotlicks and Jazz thursday at the Bald Faced Stag in Leichhardt, both top class.

There's plenty of other news, but I'll catch up as we go along through this week, which again promises to be a busy one.

posted @ Monday, June 25, 2007 11:04 AM

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