I thought I'd seen it all

boy, was I wrong. So, so wrong.

In other news, doesn't time fly? Lack of time to post here can only be ascribed to one thing: LOTRO.

I'm running five characters at the moment, all on the Silverlode server.

[names redacted]

These five may be joined by others, depending on how much free time presents itself - I'm trying to find an optimum balance of a) craft skills and b) playability. If anyone's intersted in fellowshipping, drop me a /msg or a postal item in-game.

My technet blog is over at http://blogs.technet.com/jasbro/

and Monday Musical Madness today is:

Tom Waits

Nominations for next week's MMM are being accepted right now - I'd like to get an unbroken series going, which hasn't been happening the last couple of weeks.

posted @ Monday, July 16, 2007 9:49 AM

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