Monday Musical Madness - Wow, It's Actually Monday Edition!

Devo's far-superior-to-the-original-in-my-humble-opinion-which-is-the-only-one-that-counts rendition of 'Satisfaction', from 'Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!'

A selection which is almost guaranteed to polarise my (admittedly small) audience and spark debate from here to Humpty-Doo*. It's not often a cover can claim to outshine the original, though some standouts exist (ref: The Flaming Lips covering 'Seven Nation Army' live), and some notable failures from some of my favourite bands are at least of interest. I believe this is the first MMM cover version though, and may signal a new landscape opening before us. If only I could come up with a new alliterative title...
* home of the Boxing Croc. don't ask.

posted @ Monday, August 20, 2007 1:14 PM

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