Aretha Franklin dismembering Sarah Brightman with a chainsaw

Yep, that's how I described the tone of my new guitar last night:

Epiphone SG

She's an Epiphone G400 SG, bought on a surprise budget spike. It's been some time since I last added a guitar to my collection, and this one is a goody. Two big humbuckers sitting at neck and bridge give it far more power and versatility than my previous electric, the also-pictured Squier Telecaster, which was bought, again, on more-or-less a whim when helping Chris choose a guitar.

I've had it since yesterday lunchtime, so haven't racked up a lot of playtime yet, but I have so far found it to be very playable, being slightly wider on the fretboard than the Tele (good for my big bass-player fingers) and with a nicer action. It likes pick playing, which will entail a slight change of style for me (I generally hand-strum, fingernails down, thumbnail up), but hey, I always carry a pick.

One downside: it's light-bodied and neck-heavy, so it won't sit on its strap in-balance like my Stingray or Jazz would. This again means a slight change in playing style, though I think if I get a nice thick leather strap for it, it'll slip less readily. It also sits more snugly into the body, with a narrower profile, so it sits lower when being played seated. These things, though, are minor.

Cosmetically speaking, it's the best looking guitar I've ever bought. This is not a statement I issue lightly. I think my two main basses are classically beautiful, but this is aesthetically superior in a very different way. The cherry finish is, also, the classic SG look. I like.

Now, I just need a fat strap and a hardcase and it's ready to go.

posted @ Monday, April 20, 2009 12:09 PM


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# re: Aretha Franklin dismembering Sarah Brightman with a chainsaw

Left by stuart at 7/7/2009 7:48 AM
Wow! I just read the greatest atheist manifesto ever written. Seriously. It's called the Real Messiah:

I was turned on to the book by Robert Price. It's written by a Jewish writer who found proof in a number of ancient sources that Jesus never claimed to be the messiah. It was all made up by later Christians in Rome to distract from the truth that threatened to overtake the whole Empire.

You see there was this Jewish king named Marcus Julius Agrippa. He was the St. Mark who wrote the gospel. He wrote the gospel secretly to have Jesus announce HIM as the messiah. Then the Roman authorities caught wind of what was going on and then cut Agrippa out of the gospel.

Don't you see!!! It's all a big lie - even the biggest lie in history. Jesus never claimed to be what all these people now say he was. They have been fooled by a second century editorial effort that still goes undetected.

How is Huller so sure of this conspiracy? He found an ancient throne in Venice which Italian sailors stole from the most ancient Church of St. Mark in Alexandria in the ninth century. The author proves that the throne goes back much further than that - i.e. all the way to the beginning of Christianity in Egypt.

In any event the throne has Hebrew letters and symbols which prove the real story of Christianity and how the modern Church is one big fake.

The throne is real. Here are pictures of the throne:

You can look it up with Google. It's a real object. But now the game is up. Christianity is proved to be a big lie and the world will never be the same again.

It's so great to be on the winning side at last! I've got to tell everyone.

All I got to say is that you got to read this book. This is the straw that breaks the back of the Church.
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