I'm back. Well, I didn't ever really go away. My web server did. The motherboard shuffled off the mortal coil for a while, but that only made me more determined.
I purchased the old server's evil twin, gutted the original to double the processing power, and reinstalled it at the data center today. It has a few words to say:
Cower now, brief mortals, for I am the web server of doom. Feel my quad-processor power! Gasp at my eight Gigabytes of RAM! Quake before the might of my mirrored RAID drive array! Tremble at the sight of my redundant power supplies! Kneel now, mortal, for you have surely met your god!
Yes, bit of an ego, that one. Hopefully it'll keep my blog happily overpowered for some time to come... And now, a brief intermission while I write something thoughtful and cogent.

posted @ Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:59 PM