There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

The thing is, I just actually laughed out loud at an item on my laptop screen, and now I'm the weird guy with the computer. Here's the background.

@DrNancyMalik is a homepath that trolls the crap out of twitter trying to justify her existence. For one thing, she's not a doctor, even though she plays one on twitter. She has a Bachelor's Degree from a homeopathy school (which is exactly as valid as my Doctorate in Divinity and Masters in New Media). For another thing, homeopathy itself is just water.

Here's what she retweeted

LOL DrNancyMalik

 BethanyBlack you are my new hero.

If you haven't got the joke yet, this is Dr Harold Shipman.

posted @ Wednesday, April 7, 2010 7:38 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by KittyB at 4/7/2010 7:45 PM
Isn't that the guy that Erwin quotes all the time?

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Jason at 4/7/2010 8:29 PM
Erwin has a stiffy for Herbert Shelton (blogged a while ago). I'm not sure if shelton is less or more black comedy

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by KittyB at 4/7/2010 9:12 PM
ohhhhhh ok now I remember, same initials that's all.

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Sean the Blogonaut at 4/8/2010 10:09 AM
Not the sharpest scalpel eh?

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by skepticat at 4/10/2010 9:02 PM
hahahahaha!!! OMG, I missed that - hilarious!

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Dr. Nancy Malik at 4/11/2010 4:09 PM
Real is Homeopathy. Homeopathy for Everyone

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by weez at 4/11/2010 5:45 PM
Wait, 'not a doctor' Nancy Malik deigns to instruct on reality?


# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Jason at 4/11/2010 5:51 PM
Nancy, take our advice; start looking for a new career. I've been trying to tell you this for weeks. To quote another doctor of your exact standing:

"Someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries"
- Dr Peter Venkman

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Sean the Blogonaut at 4/11/2010 6:21 PM
Is Nancy channeling Yoda

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Deb at 4/11/2010 7:20 PM
Are you sure that's not a bot? It seems to understand English about as well as it understands medicine.

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Jason at 4/11/2010 8:11 PM
It lives in Gurgaon, India, and English is not it's first language.

Though it does often behave like a bot, it's true.

# re: There are people in this pub looking at me funny.

Left by Jason at 8/17/2010 11:13 AM
In further exciting developments, Dr Nancy Malik itself just tried to comment on this post, but was marked as spam by Akismet.

This is not surprising, since she is barely coherent at the best of times, and leaves identical comments all over the blogosphere.

I think I might just leave the comment in the spam bin. After all, "Dr" Malik doesn't read the posts she comments on. Why should we read her comments?
Comments have been closed on this topic.
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