Well, yes. There's that much fail.
Meryl tweeted a few hours ago. Here's what she had to say:

Yes, Meryl. That's totally new research. Completely.
Except that... oh, wait... let's look at the article, shall we?
There's no date at the top. The Daily Fail does that. But look at the comments. The most recent is from....
- Helen, London, 13/6/2006 17:56
Wait, what?
Yep, that's right. Meryl is trying to vindicate the work of the discredited, unethical, censured quack Andrew Wakefield with an article from 2006, nearly four years previous to the GMC decision that has seen Wakefield's public disgrace.
Nice work Meryl.
Oh, and that research? The story was based on preliminary findings. I can't find much mention of it on the web, but Neurodiversity blog mentions it here in the context of US special court findings. Damned if I can find it in PubMed, anyway. Got a copy, Meryl?
posted @ Sunday, April 18, 2010 1:10 AM