So, apparently, this big beardy guy in the sky already knows everything I'm ever going to do, ever.
But also, apparently, I choose to sin.
What's with that?
Surely if god knows everything I'm ever going to do, I basically have no free will. And if the whole doctrine of sin relies on my free choice in the matter - my choosing to sin, or at least, choosing not to repent and all that - then surely I can't actually, in any meaningful sense, commit a sin. Ever. Because I have no choice. It's pre-destined. All I have is an illusion of choice, because the big beardy guy already knows what I'm going to do and I can't change that.
So, if there's no sin, why exactly did god sacrifice himself to himself again?
Of course, @apiyor is one of the most benighted theotards on the entire internet. He won't understand this, and he'll keep spouting his bullshit until eventually he stumbles in front of a car, or falls into a wood chipper, or electrocutes himself while cooking a microwave ready-meal or some other tragic accident brought on by his lack of basic intelligence.