Blog tools for skeptics: NoFollowr

Joel Birch has just launched NoFollowr, a WordPress plugin aimed at skeptics in particular, and activists in general, to control rel="nofollow" on blog links.

It's available at and though I haven't tested it yet, Joel's previous output and the description of the tool leads me to believe it's well worth recommending to WordPress users.

For those unschooled, nofollow allows you to link to a site without having search engines treat the link as a recommendation, a good technique for those less ethical links that we skeptics occasionally blog about. The NoFollowr site has more.

And kudos to Joel for another excellent contribution to the skeptical blogging landscape!

posted @ Monday, November 8, 2010 4:05 PM


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# re: Blog tools for skeptics: NoFollowr

Left by Dave at 11/8/2010 5:22 PM
Nice :) I have seen WP tools that will make everything nofollow, but this is the bees knees in regarding being able to pick and choose!

Good find :) thanks
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