Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Skepticator Live is taking place in just over a week. If you're attending and want to speak, this thread is where you register your interest.

Simply leave a comment below with

  • Your name
  • A very brief bio
  • The chosen subject for your 5-minute talk
  • Preference for a time of the evening you'd like to go on stage

Don't comment here unless you're registering to speak. I'll delete any comments that aren't registrations because this will form my master list for the evening

In formal pre-registration we currently have Chrys Stevenson speaking on Australia as a Christian Nation, me speaking on counting in 8-bit binary, and Dave The Happy Singer and I are doing at least one song. I have reserve talks if everyone is shy, but the idea is to get grassroots skeptics talking, so register your interest now.

Yes, I will be taking registrations on the night. No you don't have to speak. Yes, there is an optional 5-minute Q&A. No, you can't go over unless you're super fantastically awesome. Yes, you can do a song, but pre-arrange any weird instrumental needs with me. Yes, you can read something pre-prepped. No, you can't have a powerpoint presentation. Yes, you may use visual aids, within reason. Yes, you can come a little early and set up if you need to. Yes, you can speak twice if there's room, but not if we're oversubscribed. Yes, you can finish earlier than 5 minutes. Yes, you can skip the Q&A but a room full of skeptics may hunt you down and interrogate you anyway so best to get it out of the way up front.

So get registering, you lot.

posted @ Thursday, November 18, 2010 12:37 AM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Chrys Stevenson at 11/18/2010 1:13 AM
Your name: Chrys Stevenson

A very brief bio: Chrys Stevenson is a writer, blogger, skeptic and atheist. She has written on the history of Australian atheism for the recently released Australian Book of Atheism and is currently researching a book on the history of freethought in Australia.

The chosen subject for your 5-minute talk: "We don't want no religion round 'ere."

Preference for a time of the evening you'd like to go on stage: No preference.

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by shellity at 11/18/2010 8:23 AM
My name: Shelley Stocken

A very brief bio: Shelley is a technical writer by trade; a mother of two by good fortune; and a skeptical dabbler by night. She hopes to write and deliver a community course in Everyday Critical Thinking in the future, probably after the kids start school. She also hopes that her ability to make things rhyme on the end will counter her lack of scientific qualifications.

My 5-minute talk: A Field Guide to Logical Fallacies

Time slot preference: Not first, but in the first half of the evening

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Frozen Summers at 11/18/2010 8:26 AM
Your name: Dan "Frozen" Summers
A very brief bio: Used to be a preacher, now I'm not.
Subject: Penis, a "song"
Time: Not the start, not the end.

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Jayson D Cooke at 11/18/2010 10:41 AM
Jayson Cooke
Founder and current President of the Griffith University Skeptics & Freethinkers, founder of the Brisbane City Skeptics in the Pub.
“The Ethics of Skeptical Activism”
Certainly not first!!!

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Tom Sidwell at 11/19/2010 2:45 PM
*Your name: Tom Sidwell.
*A very brief bio: Tom is a university student who likes beetroot and dislikes slow internet.
*The chosen subject for your 5-minute talk: The astonishing stupidity of my favourite lobby, or 'Adventures through the looking~glass: What passes for research in anti-vax circles'.
*Preference for a time of the evening you'd like to go on stage: No real preference.

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Julian O. at 11/19/2010 10:49 PM
Your name: Julian
A very brief bio: Julian doesn't have a bio that is credentialled or funny. He would like to remind the audience that any opinion they form based on that is probably ad hominem.

The chosen subject for your 5-minute talk: A Skeptical Investigation into Wolfgate

Preference for a time of the evening you'd like to go on stage: Once the children are safely tucked up in bed.

Note: This is a humorous piece, but presented straight. Mildly adult themes. I am having trouble getting it below 7 or 8 minutes long. Won't hit 10 minutes though!

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by John August at 11/21/2010 11:04 PM
Name : John August
Bio: President of the NSW Humanists, with a long time interest in religion and how it is structured.
Topic : Reflections from the Hebrew Bible
Time : No preference

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Tim Lambert at 11/24/2010 4:52 AM
Name: Tim Lambert

Bio: Computer Science lecturer at UNSW, my blog Deltoid is one og the founding blogs of scienceblogs.com

Topic: Since my post http://tinyurl.com/skeptoiddtfail has been getting some attention, I thought I'd talk about the myth that environmentalists have killed millions of people by banning DDT.

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Peter Bowditch at 11/24/2010 5:07 PM
Name: Peter Bowditch

Bio: Ancient skeptic, Boss and Chief Decision Maker at the RatbagsDotCom Empire. If you don't know who I am then you will have to wait and find out. If you do know then I don't have to tell you.

Topic: Is insanity infinite or does the wwweb just make it seem so?

Time: I'm going to SitP before, so no earlier than 8:30, but before 11 because I have to catch a train.

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by Alan Conradi at 11/24/2010 8:48 PM
Name: Alan
A very brief bio: Western Sydney Freethinkers Organiser, unashamed atheist, skeptic, and general rationalist...
Subject: Widening the Skeptical Landscape
Preference for a time of the evening I'd like to go on stage: Not really... whenever is fine with me...

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by jason at 11/25/2010 8:42 AM


See me in person at the pub if you want to register

# re: Speaker Registration Thread for Skepticator Live

Left by jason at 11/25/2010 8:43 AM


See me in person at the pub if you want to register
Comments have been closed on this topic.
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