Freedom, indeed, is not free


 The above advert came from December 2010's Living Now magazine, which, aside from being an embarrassment to the publishing industry, is a published platform for pseudo-scientific nonsense and outright idiocy in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA.

Meryl Dorey's AVN, in this advertisement, is taking an awful risk - this is, in essence, a fundraising appeal - as well as a ball of spit aimed at the authorities - and the OLGR have placed some severe restrictions on the AVN's fundraising activities.

That, though, is not the bit that interests me. I'm for Meryl Dorey getting belligerent with the authorities. I want her to kick and scream and tangle herself in even more legal knots. The more she fights, the worse things will get for her. Every time she breaches an OLGR ruling, she'll be lining herself up for even more strife, which is something I want.

The bit that interests me is the only true sentence on the entire advert (aside from perhaps the AVN's address) - and that is "Freedom isn't Free".

Freedom, indeed, is not free.

First, in terms of personal freedom or freedom of action. We, as members of a productive society, are not free to take any action we like regardless of its effect. If one of us, for instance, steals or kills, that person can expect to have his or her freedom curtailed - we jail criminals. We place restrictions on their freedom, and sociaeties worldwide do this as a matter of course. This indeed is the type of restriction on freedom Meryl Dorey is under right now. She has not, so far, been found guilty of criminal misconduct, however her organisation has been found to be in breach of its responsibilities as a charity, and has therefore been punished by both the HCCC and the OLGR. The AVN could be said to be in "charity jail".

Second in terms of cost. We are also expected that, in order to perform positively as members of society, we bear the costs of certain responsibilities. We are expected to act in manner befitting that society, and if we do not bear that cost, we can expect the disapproval of our fellow citizens.

This is the disapproval Meryl finds herself facing from groups such as Stop The AVN.

Her behaviour in attempting to expose children to preventable risks is, in a very true sense of the word, anti-social. She is, deservedly, a pariah among thinking society as a result, and is increasingly having to retreat into a segment of society which denigrates evidence in favour of ideology, and Meryl's behaviour and public statements are increasingly coming to reflect this.

She is at the head of her very own Herbal Tea Party, and her flag-wrapping indignant freedom rhetoric reflects this.

OLGR and HCCC are, of course, aware of Meryl's attempts to circumvent fundraising restrictions, just as they are aware of her breaches of fundraising statutes, such as her attempt to sell two cheap badges and two bumper stickers for a vastly above-value $55 - a tactic which is specifically called out in the legislation. Sooner or later, Meryl's antisocial behaviour will result in further punishment. Fines or jail time are not out of the question according to the lawbooks. This is what happens to people who want to live in a society without playing by its rules.

And that's just fine.

Go on, Meryl. Go all-in. We're dying to see who wins.

Comment problems continue

Since upgrading Subtext, I've had issues with new comments not appearing. The Subtext project seem to think that caching comment data is a good idea. Which is great, except that new comments don't turn up, and I can't find a documented way of turning this caching off. I'll keep working on it, but I'm still stuck on mobile broadband, meaning server admin is not easy.

Bear with me

Brian Houston Fails Theology 101

First rule of convincing your marks rubes customers congregation that you know what you're talking about: Don't make claims that are obviously and patently impossible

OK, now I'm pretty sure I've dealt with this before. The definition of omnipotent, as Brian has rather redundantly, but helpfully, mentioned, is that your magic god thing can do ANYTHING, no matter what.

So, as a wise man once said: Can this god create an object so heavy he himself cannot lift it?

Tip: I can do that. Another one I like is "Can god make a cup of coffee so hot that he himself can't drink it". *

Now for the second claim, which I've definitely dealt with previously. Omniscience.

Omniscience implies knowing everything. Literally everything. Most christians who've never thought about this in any depth take this to mean that god knows everything, past, present and future. Brian seems to be echoing this.

So god knows what you're going to do. So you basically have no choice in your own actions - you can't second guess a 3O god. So no free will. No free will means no sin, because you have no choice whatsoever in the matter. No sin means the crucifiction and resurrection were pointless, since god was sacrificing himself to himself (pointlessly) for something you (the christian) had no choice in.

And there the whole of christianity falls to pieces. Again.

Thanks Brian! You've demonstrated your own gaping ignorance, and your religion's pointless, paradoxical, foundations. I hardly had to do anything at all. Excellent

*someone schooled in physics may have problems with this one - the pressure required to keep water liquid above 100oC increases mathematically and it all gets rather pedantic. Still, I like it.

One More Thing

This one a little more on the levity side than the last...

And the updated lyrics, for those who wish to know such things

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's  evolving
And revolving at 1742km an hour (at the equator),
That's orbiting at around 29km a second, so it's reckoned,
A sun that is the source of almost all our power (barring geothermal & nuclear).
The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at 225km/sec
In an outer spiral arm, at roughly 402,000km an hour,
Of the galaxy we call the 'Milky Way'.
Our galaxy itself contains a hundred to 400 billion stars.
It's a hundred thousand light years side to side (+/- 20,000 light years).
It bulges in the middle, between 10 and 30 thousand light years thick,
But out by us, it's more like 1 to 10 thousand light years wide.
We're actually about thirty thousand light years from the large central black hole.
We go 'round every 220 to 250 million years,
And our galaxy is only one of approximately trillions
In this amazing and expanding universe.
The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whizz, (in accordance with Hubble's Law)
As fast as it can go, at just under the speed of light, you know,
299 million, 792 thousand,  458 m/s, and that's the fastest speed there is.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your particular genome,
And hope that SETI finds intelligent life up there in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.

Thanks ever so much to Dave The Happy Singer for accompaniment, a bit of moral support and the use of his guitar when mine failed to make any noises, Kylie Sturgess for the video and for ably manning the timer at Skepticator Live, @tinydalek for convincing me I would only make a partial idiot of myself, Pamela Gay who did actually help a bit despite a punishing schedule and everyone who turned up to the Skepticator Live Open Mic Night (especially the speakers).

Special shout out to to Phil Plait who didn't help, thus enabling me to do the Wil Wheaton joke.

Vaccination Saves Lives: Stop The Australian Vaccination Network
Say NO to the National School Chaplaincy Program