Latrodectus hasselti

Look what I found. It's a Redback, Latrodectus hasselti, a spider which I'm seeing more and more since we've moved to the Zombie-Proof Compound.

Back in the day, I hardly ever saw them. I saw a couple when I lived in Woollahra, a juvenile of which I was able (maybe slightly recklessly) to carry out of the house bare-handed. I had one living next to my desk in St Peters (previously blogged here). But here at Zombie-proof? Tons. I've got one Redback living in a waste paper bin just outside my back door (which Esther refers to as my " little pet"), a few out near the water tank and then there's this one. Of which more shortly. Then of course there are the trapdoors, the hundreds of aranaeomorph wheel-web makers in the yard, and the occasional white-tail. I've also spotted what may have been a bolas spider, though when I got back with a camera it'd buggered off. Oddly, I haven't seen any huntsmen yet.

Redbacks are moderately dangerous. Deaths have occurred, about 14 or so, depending on which source you consult, and none since development of an effective antivenom by the wonderful folks at Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. Bites are relatively common, since this species is now considered a species closely linked to human habitation.

Want to know where this one was?

Well, have a little look at another shot:

Those are my bike shoes on the left and top right. On the bottom right are my black "customer ready" black working shoes. They normally reside just outside my studio, about 5m inside the house well away from the back door. Not great. Because having potentially dangerous spiders in the place is... well... not ideal.

So now I need to conduct a spider audit of the entire house, which I'm both looking forward to and dreading. Looking forward because I might find something interesting. Dreading because it will involve a lot of grovelling around under things getting covered in dust and spider silk and generally giving myself sore knees and a bad back. The prospect of being bitten does not worry me in the slightest. It's the grovelling I don't like. Luckily, I have beer.

So if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get started.

posted @ Sunday, January 16, 2011 10:24 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by cazza at 1/17/2011 9:52 AM
It's looks like a black widow. I know they are cousins, but black widow has the red hour-glass on her tum-tums. The photos made me wonder, for a minute there, because I can't necessarily tell if the spider is tummy-up or tummy-down.

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by Dave The Happy Singer at 1/17/2011 10:34 AM
My takeaway from this post?

It's been too long since Jason rode his bike or dressed smartly.

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by Tabs at 1/17/2011 12:11 PM
haha Dave! I thought the same thing!

also- look for lots of little cocoony nests!!!

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by Tabs at 1/17/2011 12:15 PM
actually I think Cass is right, all the redbacks we have, have the red markings as a stripe- not that hourglass looking thing.

plus I've never seen a redback inside the house- generally they are outside with the wood

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by Andy at 1/17/2011 12:55 PM
Spider audit?! Watch out for the white-tails - if one of those bites you, your leg will rot and fall off!!!

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by Seantheblogonaut at 1/17/2011 1:31 PM
The Redback has hourglass markings on its underside as well. I have had them inside the house from time to time, particularly when we used to have an inch gap underneath or back door. We get 10-20 white tails a year inside, 2-3 huntsmen and about the same amt in wolf spiders. Have about 30 small orb spiders along the veranda that come out at night and have just found 2 large golden orb spiders nesting in the trees outside.

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by arthwollipot at 1/17/2011 6:55 PM
Make sure you check inside your shoes too, before you put them on!

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by cuTNToo, l'ZooIllogical Conundru at 1/27/2011 3:54 AM
Hey, dude, let's git past alla the hypocritical BS on religion and focus on how long our Finite Existence is. 88ish years?? Q: What the #@!! Happens AFTER if our souls are indelible?? A: If society’s going downtown, don’t you think it’s time to wake-us-up? --- I was called by God to make NINE, sardonic satire, avant-garde, efficacious blogs because of the experiences I had in my sinFULL existence. All I want you to do is read'm and ‘make thy choice’ -SAW (wonderful, wonderful films). God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

# re: Latrodectus hasselti

Left by Jason at 2/1/2011 10:55 AM
Errrr.... what the fuck are you talking about?
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