The In Vino Veritas Podcast is here

Some of you will be exclaiming "FINALLY". Others will be saying "huh?". Still further will be frothing at the mouth and demanding your money back. Well SCREW YOU MONEY BACK DEMANDERS, YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME.


Where was I?

Oh yes.

My new podcast is here. Dave The Happy Singer and I have been beavering away here at Zombie Proof Studios, over many bottles of wine, several packets of seasoned seaweed, one stuffed dinosaur and a massive pile of audio equipment. We've been driven insane by turns and were it not for the wine we'd have entirely lost it. It's possible we lost it anyway. This post may or may not be evidence thereof.

Still, here it is, at the In Vino Veritas Podcast site.

The first episode, also known as the fourth recording session is entitled "Bin Laden, Skepticamp, Jim Wallace and Wang" and does more-or-less what it says on the tin. If the tin is labelled "LOLWUT". It contains the phrase "sailor effluvia", and forgets the name "Gavin Briars".

Don't panic.

Don't be alarmed.

Start the podcast.

Lie down under your desk.


The effects will pass in time.

Welcome to our world.

posted @ Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:59 AM

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