Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

I bought a can of popular energy drink "Mother" just a while ago.

Emblazoned upon the can in question is the following legend:


50mls more, eh? Oh good, that has to be a good thing, right? I mean, it's more, and that's good. More is awesome.

But, wait. What's this? A footnote? Let's have a look what the footnote says:


Yes, dear reader, Mother feels that it is appropriate to tell you, by means of a footnote, that 300ml is 50ml more than 250ml.

We're fucked. Totally fucked.

posted @ Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:06 PM


Comments on this entry:

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by Shelley at 6/15/2011 3:49 PM
I have a bottle of moisturiser here that tells me it's from their "Anti-dryness" range.

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by Jason at 6/15/2011 4:01 PM
I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by The Reverend Doktor Bob at 6/15/2011 5:28 PM
Well some people just fail at maths. We have similar things on medications that tell you several times that 500 milligrams is half of 1 gram. several times, just to ensure we get the point.

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by Trolljew at 6/15/2011 6:23 PM
There's a world of difference between not know the conversion rate for milligrams to grams (milligram could *easily* mean one-millionth of a gram) and not being able to subtract 50 from 300.

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by Andy at 6/15/2011 8:49 PM
"mls"??? Is that like "kms" and "klms"?

What's with this (new?) trend of pluralising abbreviated measurements? If 250ml and 300ml didn't need the "s" added on, why did they think a mere 50ml needed it?

Yes, totally.

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by Jason at 6/15/2011 9:04 PM
I hate it too. But I used it once in the post because.... well... that's what the *can* says.

# re: Signs the world has gone utterly bugfuck insane, #1,462,357

Left by Andy at 6/16/2011 12:02 AM
Yeah, I meant the can. I gave you a free kick on the assumption you were quoting. I see it on ads and signs everywhere these days. There's a couple of signs around here that have "100 mtrs on right" - makes me wonder why they bothered abbreviating it at all... or if there's 100 motors for sale and I've not noticed.
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