Stop That Astronaut on the Mitch Benn Comedy Music Podcast

My little tune "Things You Can't Say in Victoria", aka "Things You Can't Say In Melbourne" featured on Episode 21 of Mitch Benn's Comedy Music Podcast. It's by far the least spectacular offering of the week, I think (check out the first track, for instance), but I'm just glad to be in such good company.

If you're not familiar with Mitch, well, you're missing out. He's certainly the most prolific of Britain's current crop of Musical Comedians, appearing as he does on BBC's Now Show, usually accompanied by two topical songs and providing at least a couple of voices per episode. His back catalogue is impressive, as a peek at his website should demonstrate. He's also been podcasting the pick of what's happening in comedy songwriting, from which I'm finding some great new favourites.

Seriously, check him out. And if you write comedy songs, consider dropping him an email.


If you're interested in the track I got on there, well, it's a little three-chord banjulele song which started as a Formby-type swinging rag tune, inspired* by Dave The Happy Singer, on the topic of Victoria's Summary Offences Law. It was recorded in Audacity using Hydrogen programmed drums, an aNueNue banjulele, a Sanchez soprano electric/acoustic ukulele, a Fender Jazz Bass run direct to the desk and some percussion for extra texture. Oh, and my voice. All tracks were recorded by me in a single session at Zombie Proof Studios, aka my home office.

It's not the first comedy/topical song I've put out there - I wrote and recorded a couple for the Sydney Atheists Podcast under the name "Baby Hammer Death" - but it's the one I'm happiest with. I guess this means I should do some more...?

* inspired by: "idea ripped off from"

posted @ Saturday, July 23, 2011 11:30 PM

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