
I feel I have to post on some goodies that have arrived

First, Hal Leonard Publishing, or (more accurately) AMPD and Sasha Music Publishing sent me this fantastic little collection of ukulele songbooks. A few ukulele people from around Australia were canvassed earlier in the year about what was important in a uke book, and what songs we liked and so on. We obliged with the market research, we got a stack of uke books for nowt. Noice.


  • EZ Method Ukulele Songbook
  • EZ Method Ukulele & Ukulele Banjo
  • The Amazing Ukulele Songbook (AU & NZ)
  • The More Amazing Ukulele Songbook
  • The Amazing Ukulele 4-chord Songbook
  • The Amazing Ukulele 3-chord Songbook

They're now available in music shops near you. Tell them I sent you.

Secondly, I picked up some goodies at Sydney Town Hall today. Every so often, the library service has a clear-out and they give away a load of books from Sydney libraries. I picked up, for free,

  • America's Most Hated Woman: The Life and Gruesome Death of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
  • The Feynman Lectures on Physics II and III
  • The Coming Plague
  • Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans

Some of the titles are sensationalist, obviously, but the subject matter I'm sure will be fascinating, but the real reason I post this is because the giveaway is on tomorrow as well (9th Dec 2011), at Town Hall House, and you can grab more free books and give me a shout for a coffee at the same time. Please do. I'm in the building, and the coffee is good. See you there.


posted @ Thursday, December 8, 2011 10:34 PM

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