To prove I don't just cover Half Man Half Biscuit and The Smiths...

... I'm covering another Northern English band which heavily influenced my formative years.

The Wedding Present

This time round, it's "Blue Eyes", track one from the Hit Parade albums, which open the intriguing possibility of covering all twelve hit parade singles in order, if I can muster the dedication required to arrange and learn all twelve tracks.



As is traditional at the moment, the cover was played on my Cordoba tenor ukulele, my aNueNue concert banjulele and my MusicMan Stingray electric bass - with support of Roland amplification - into my Yamaha USB mixer via a Behringer Condenser mic and thence to Audacity, in what I've come to think of as my "low complexity" setup. One mic for everything means less mucking around by far, though the sound quality can suffer a bit (especially with a fan running in the room at the same time as a high-sensitivity microphone).

I'm threatening to add some accordion to this track. Be warned.

UPDATE: declared "ukuleletastic" by David Gedge himself. Which made my fucking weekend, I can tell you.

posted @ Sunday, January 8, 2012 3:06 AM

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