Antivaxer Jane Beeby, about whom I've blogged previously, has decided to run for council in her home region of Clarence Valley. Jane is (or was, it's unclear) a committee member of the AVN and a rather vicious lieutenant to Meryl Dorey herself.
In the past, she has suggested a critic - a long-time health activist and writer for Australasian Science - gargle bleach to remove "the smell of shit of your breath" and wished that my next shot would be "a lethal one".
For her to be elected would not, it appears, be a positive development for public health.
Jane has a Facebook page. Perhaps you'd like to go and ask her about her stance on vaccination and public health. A few members of Stop The AVN already have, and we expect the response to be more diplomatic than Ms Beeby's previous efforts - a silent deletion of the question and a brushing of the issue under the carpet - though one of Ms Beeby's now famous retorts would be gold.

Update: 9pm. It appears Beeby has deleted her Facebook page. Doesn't want the people of Clarence Valley to know what one of their council candidates is really like, clearly. Also, the comments appear to have disappeared from the story on the Daily Examiner. I shall, of course, follow this up in the morning, since it's a clear case of information pertinent to an election being suppressed. It's also pretty funny, when you think about it. How spooked is Beeby?
Update 10:35pm: Reasonable Hank's post on this farce is fantastic.
posted @ Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:42 PM