Climbing Vids

Crag X Forum has some climbing vids up. One of the routes documented, Goofy Foot at Mount Kuring-Gai, was subject to a James Taylor ascent this weekend as Viv and I were dangling off a 23 (Devil Inside?) to the left. Looks really good. I've been doing a little video myself, and once I've got enough footage I'll be posting some to Aus Climbing.

In other climbing news I left a pair of Boreals at Mount K this weekend. They weren't holding edges very well so I swapped them for something stiffer, next thing you know I've left them behind. Bugger.

[Update 5.56pm]: Have convinced Viv to go look for my shoes. Fingers crossed.

[Update Weds 1/11/06 10:58am]: Yes! found. Viv trekked out to Motocross wall at Mount K and found the shoes. Well worth a few beers to the finder.

posted @ Monday, October 30, 2006 5:53 PM

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