Contrasts in notebook ownership

Alienware Area 51 with Fujitsu Lifebook P1610

My cubemate Tristank just got a new notebook delivered. And well may I say notebook - it's not much bigger than the familar spiral-bound paper notebooks we used to carry around once upon a time. It's a Fujitsu Lifebook P1610 and it came with 80Gb of Harddrive and 512Mb RAM, powered by a 1.2GHz processor and wrapped in a cute little tabletPC format, pumping out a 1280x768 image on a 9 inch-wide touch screen

In the picture above it nestles comfortably atop my personal dreadnought notebook, an Alienware Area 51m, with 17inch screen (1920x1200), with twin harddrive bays (currently 1x 80Gb), 2Gb RAM, a 2.13GHz processor and 256Mb of video memory on a Radeon Geforce GO6800. Oh yes, and a 5.1 audio subsystem with subwoofer.

Both are running Windows Vista Ultimate, and surprisingly, both run Glass. While I adore the screen real-estate and outright power offered by my beastie, I have to confess a certain feeling of, well, charm exuding from Tristan's pocket pack. Now if I could just get over the compulsion to call it Barbie's Dream Laptop I'd be tempted to invest in one myself.

Oh, and the small one weighs in approx 1Kg (2.2lbs). Big one is specced at 3.6Kg (8lbs)

Update: Tristank's blog on the subject is here

posted @ Thursday, December 7, 2006 12:03 PM

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