Possummomma's situation is getting more serious...

... and creepy.

I've been following the saga from afar for the last week or two. It started when PM's kid submitted a school essay highlighting her atheist viewpoint and questioning her teacher's christian one. It's escalated now to the point where a local christian minister/pastor* has tracked down the PM's identity, and has gone as far as to stalk her child to the school bus-stop, and now that local xtian nutter is subject to an order of protection, aka a Stay-The-Fuck-Away-From-The-Kid injunction.

Creepy. Scary. Two words that sum up religious zealots for me. Will be keeping an eye on this as more details develop, but the cynic in me says that William is so far gone with the fairies that he may violate the order. After all, it's god's work, right?

Possummomma, be careful.

* I have no idea of the difference, if there is one, between a minister and a pastor. Why would I know?

posted @ Thursday, February 8, 2007 3:46 PM


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# re: Possummomma's situation is getting more serious...

Left by Possummomma at 2/26/2007 5:27 PM
So far, William the Bad has kept away. Thanks for the concern.
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