Britain, Britain, Britain...

Yes, last night a bunch of us trekked down to the Sydney Entertainment Centre to see Little Britain Live, and while the TV series is probably entering its 'hackneyed' phase, due in part to the number of people obsessively quoting catchphrases, the live show was refreshingly hilarious. Not jaw-achingly crying-in-your-seat-trying-not-to-piss-yourself funny as Billy Connolly was this time last year, but definitely up there with the better comedy shows I've seen.

I was intrigued before the show as to how the costume changes would be handled (answer: clever scheduling between Matt and David, and a rear-projection for cutscenes with the recorded voice of Tom Baker), and a little curious as to how some of the visual gags would be handled, such as the now-legendary Dennis Waterman sketches. The answer to that, well, I'll just say it was a touch funnier on-stage.

I don't wish to add too many spoilers, but favourites from the TV show were,of course, all present (massive cheers for Vicky Pollard, Dafydd and Lou & Andy being de riguer), and the live format so beloved of British alt comedy* gave the show a spring. And of course, there's always the chance someone's going to go off script.

The ad-libs in point of fact were one of the highlights, along with the audience participation factor. Oh, those poor bastards in the expensive seats... it pains me to think of it, it really does.

If you can get tickets, and you're even just a minor fan, go. Really, it's well worth it

cross-reference: Bottom Live, League Of Gentlemen Live, Vic Reeves Big Night Out Live, all available on DVD or VHS if you look hard enough

posted @ Friday, February 9, 2007 10:04 AM

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