Quick Bouldering Report 19 Feb 2007

Quick note, last night I didn't intend to boulder due to sore fingers, but ended up cranking out Problem #9 at the Corals Area, Lindfield. This is my first V5 since 1998, and not bad value. It's safe, with a low, tough crux, and has a V6 variant for next time I'm there. Oh yeah! Viv and I also cranked a little variant on Small Blank Wall which was probably V4+ and more rewarding than the usual sequence, and got some shots for topo guides. Since I'm now custodian of the Lindfield Bouldering Guide on the ACA site, I figure I should do a good job. Lastly, my boulder score is up to 5488

posted @ Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:22 AM

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