Modern Day Commentary on Orwell Novels, Birkenhead Style

Yes, another in the "Keeping Two Chevrons Apart" blog series. I've been a busy, busy guitar playing maniac.

Arthur's Farm first appeared on the ACD album, and was on the first copied tape of HMHB stuff I ever posessed.

It's obviously, a take on "Animal Farm" involving Arthur Askey and Douglas Bader. To explain would belabour the joke, but if you have no clue, read the links.

Recorded on my Epi G400 SG, which desperately needs new strings, through a Zoom G1X on "accoustic emulator", with a cardioid mic through a BOSS DS-1 distortion.

Anyway. Arthur's Farm.

I've been having issues with de-sync of audio and video. please comment on how you see it. I may need to re-encode these vids to solve the problem

posted @ Sunday, November 8, 2009 10:28 PM

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