The argument from the Gregorian Calendar

I'd seriously never seen this argument before, but christians now seem to be coming out with this more and more often.

OK, what's hard to understand that, during the last millennium, Europe was the major colonial power, and that Europe used a christian calendar? And that we still use it because to change it would be expensive, absurd and largely pointless?

Are they really this stupid?

Yes they are


posted @ Thursday, November 26, 2009 1:16 AM


Comments on this entry:

# re: The argument from the Gregorian Calendar

Left by Alex Pryce at 11/26/2009 5:18 AM
Yes, this is one that has been doing the rounds lately. It's quite absurd and is also very, very ignorant to just assume everywhere uses the Gregorian calendar.

# re: The argument from the Gregorian Calendar

Left by Daniel Burnson at 4/5/2010 1:19 PM
Yeah, sometimes "Christians" spend too much time with themselves trying to make up arguments instead of actually acting on what they believe. Who wants to go hang out and think of a way to stump the atheist down the street? (all hands go up) Anyways, they have nothing better to do because they themselves don't really believe. If they did, they'd be selling all they have to help the poor. Giving up their lives in service and taking up their cross of suffering with the needy. That, my atheist friends, is where the rubber meets the road. It baffles me how many "Christians" are still engaging in the whole God/no god debate. Then again, am I not damning myself with those accusations, being a Christian who is talking to atheists? Perhaps, but how can they know without hearing, and how can they hear without being told?

# re: The argument from the Gregorian Calendar

Left by Jason at 4/5/2010 5:52 PM
So what you're saying is that you think a god exists, and you think you can tell atheists why this is so?

Knock yourself out. Best shot, right here, right now. No pussyfooting around - put forward the strongest case for the existence of god that you have. You get just the one chance.

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